Acne is the result of oil clogging up pores and blocking the growth of hair follicles. It is usually associated with the teen years when the sebaceous glands are stimulated by male hormones. When there is too much oil build-up the follicles and pores get blocked, irritating the skin. Bacteria can build up on both the outside and inside of these areas causing the small irritations we know as pimples, or acne.
There are varying opinions as to what is the best acne face wash to address this problem. Clearly, you want something that will kill the bacteria both inside and out of your pores. Usually this is accomplished through a face wash with exfoliating and anti-bacterial properties.
Rather than name just one sure-fire product that you can purchase and clear your acne up forever – because that simply cannot be done – let’s look at some of the products on the market today.
The fact is if you ask eight people, you will get eight different answers as to the best treatment for acne. Burt’s Bees is a trusted name in the industry. They sell Sensitive Facial Cleansing Towelettes that refresh even while cleansing the pores. Perricone MD Hypoallergenic Gentle Cleanser is a pricey but effective solution to the problems brought on by oily, irritated skin. It can be found at Neiman Marcus.

Some swear that Soy Face Cleanser and Makeup Remover are the Best Acne Face Wash ever. It contains cucumber. Neutrogena also has had a long-lasting reputation for combating acne. It has an oil free acne wash that sounds very effective.
Korres Milk Protein Foaming Cream Cleanser helps with the acne while also doing a nice job of hydrating the skin. It’s a great makeup remover, as well. Purpose is a gentle cleansing wash that has been a staple at the drug store for many years. It’s gentle on the skin and doesn’t dehydrate.

Basically, the best acne face wash is the one you decide works best for you. On a Bing search, I found many names, including the ones mentioned above. You might check out some of the others, as well. Even Coconut Oil makes a nice facial cleanser. Dr. Bronner’s is very popular, and it’s organic, as well. People who have used it rave about how smooth their skin is.
Just remember when searching for an acne face wash, there are many from which to choose. The key is to get those pores unclogged and clean them out with an astringent type ingredient.
If you have a teenager, either male or female, you will be likely to have need of one of these products. They will thank you for it because there is nothing more difficult – even humiliating – than facing your schoolmates with a red swollen face.
It’s not an insurmountable problem. With persistence and determination, acne can be controlled and even overcome.
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